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Master @ BIT



Huiyu LI

Hello! I am actively seeking an exciting and challenging postdoctoral position.

I received my Ph.D. from INRIA in Sophia Antipolis, France, under the guidance of Prof. Hervé Delingette and Prof. Nicholas Ayache. I was also fortunate to receive support from the French government through the 3IA Côte d’Azur investments program. Previously, I completed a master's degree in Computer Science at Beijing Institute of Technology.

The goal of my research is to empower AI to advance healthcare. I am particularly interested in applying generative models to medical image anonymization, enabling the removal of patient-identifiable information while preserving diagnostic information. This challenging task involves achieving a delicate balance between image reconstruction and anonymization, as well as identity removal and utility preservation. Outside of my academic pursuits, I enjoy writing, gardening, skiing, and playing badmiminton.

Collaborators: I am eager to learn from and collaborate with individuals from diverse backgrounds. If you would like to discuss something, I would be grateful to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me via email or schedule a time to chat through Chatting Time.


Nov 2024: I denfend my PhD thesis, Data Exfiltration and Anonymization of Medical Images based on Generative Models.